commercial architecture
Applecrest Farm Orchards
Grafton County Economic Development Council
Inn Seasons Resort - Pollard Brook
Indian Head Resort(multiple contracts)
Lincoln Woodstock Cooperative School District (multiple contracts)
Linwood Ambulance Service
New Hampshire Gathering of Scottish Clans, Inc
Polar Caves Park
School Administrative Unit 68
South Peak Resort
State of New Hampshire, Division of Forests & Lands (multiple contracts)
The Colonial Theatre
The Red Blazer Restaurant & Pub
The Town of Lincoln
Woodstock Inn Station & Brewery
Alba Architects are pleased to be currently, or recently, working with:
- Affordable Housing Education and Development (AHEAD) Inc. (multiple contracts)
- Applecrest Farm Orchards
- Grafton County Economic Development Council
- Inn Seasons Resort - Pollard Brook
- Indian Head Resort(multiple contracts)
- Lincoln Woodstock Cooperative School District (multiple contracts)
- Linwood Ambulance Service
- New Boston Dental Care
- New Hampshire Gathering of Scottish Clans, Inc
- Polar Caves Park
- School Administrative Unit 68
- South Peak Resort
- State of New Hampshire, Division of Forests & Lands (multiple contracts)
- The Colonial Theatre
- The Red Blazer Restaurant & Pub
- The Town of Lincoln
- The Town of Thornton (multiple contracts)
- Wadleigh House
- Woodstock Inn Station & Brewery